RRP Founder & Executive | Creative Director Cara is in award winning painter and printmaker fascinated by the world of printmaking. "Printmaking to me is the divine merging of the technical and painterly; the simultaneous combinations are a thrill to work with. Coming from a painting background in a small working space, I doubted if printmaking was an art form I could properly explore outside of a workshop. I soon learned there are plenty of ways to create prints with hand transfer and many small etching press alternatives." |
RRP Deputy Assistant of Operations Diane T. Francis is an artist/educator. She has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Sculpture and a Master’s of Art Education. Diane has been in hundreds of juried exhibitions throughout the United States. She has work in many private collections. “I now work in Sculpture and 2D, painting, mixed media, drawing and printmaking. I primarily paint with oils. As for printmaking, I love them all. I do mono-prints, intaglio and woodblock”. Besides working in her studio, she teaches at the Carroll School in Lincoln, MA. |
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